Bronze Award in Illustrative Section of Iris Awards 2016 “Survivor”

This year I joined the NZIPP, the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photographers as a provisional member (I’m now a full member) and only two months later decided to jump in the deep end and enter the Iris awards held by NZIPP. I chose some photos that I thought may be good enough to enter and did some further editing on them. The judging was in July at Infocus, the yearly conference held by NZIPP. I was not able to attend the conference as I have three children and many commitments. But I was able to watch some of the judging live on the web for free, which was amazing.

It was exciting but nerve wracking at the same time as my photos appeared on the screen in front of the judges, and as a matted print. I was lucky to get two silvers and a bronze.

The silvers were both for funny face photos. They were different to anything else shown in the classic portrait category this year. I quite often ask people to pull funny faces to make them relax. Most of the time it works, sometimes not. But in these two jobs I got the most classic faces imaginable. One judge in particular loved the photos.

The bronze award was for a portrait of my daughter Arielle which I entered in the Illustrative section (a section where photos need to tell a story). She looked like a little orphan from a World War, sitting in the middle of a forest. She was very tired that day and her little eyes had bags under them which added to the drama of the photo. All three photos can be seen below.

I am definitely entering again next year. I may get nothing next year, but I’m going to have a go anyway.


Silver in Portrait Classic section of Iris Awards 2016 “Funny Faces”


Silver in Portrait Classic in Iris Awards 2016 “Crazy Grandma”