Ok, so it’s official.  I’m a Dollcake addict!  It’s like I’m standing up in a room of other addicts and admitting it!

What is Dollcake you say?  It is an Australian company that makes the most beautiful gowns and dresses for little girls.  They are timeless styles – some like beautiful princesses, some are amazing cotton and lace dresses from the olden days and nearly all of them have lace or pearls or other beautiful embellishments!  People buy them for weddings and events, or some for special daily wear, but photographers also like them.  And I’m addicted to them because they suit my style of photography which is also timeless like their brand.

Check out some of the designs I have now.  Little girls LOVE them.  When I have little girls coming into my studio, I line up the dresses so they can choose.  I have a mix of Dollcake dresses as well as a few from Aliexpress and my own sewing.  The girls’ eyes open wide – they can’t control themselves.  “I want to wear this dress Mum,” they whisper to their Mum, a little unsure.  I say – “You can wear anything you want!”  The girls sparkle!  It is magic.  If it doesn’t quite fit the child, I peg the dress behind them as I know I can hide the pegs behind their back or edit them out of the final photo.

Today they had a big sale at Dollcake and I bought yet another dress – a beautiful red ballgown.  I woke up this morning and my mouth was drooling.  It is gorgeous.  I had to have it for my collection.  It has the wow factor!  However I had to ask my husband first, to justify the purchase.  He doesn’t care about ballgowns and said, it is up to you.  I needed someone else to give me the go ahead so I rang up my Mum at 7.30am and she said, “Only if you can afford it, Dear.”  Can I afford it – of course, I tell myself.  Then I went to my friend Kirsty knowing that she would say “buy the whole shop, Belinda!”  It was a done deal then – I clicked the payment button on the cart!

My friend Kirsty is also a Dollcake addict.  She is currently trying to sell other photography props to try and buy another red ballgown in a different size.  You see her style of photography suits the clothing brand as well.  Check out her beautiful princess shoots at Kirsty-King Turner Photo art.  She just send me a message “I have 2 dresses and 3 hair piece things sitting in my cart …. Waiting LOL . I could do it if I put 1 dress back but which one …”  I’m rolling on the ground laughing about this.  She is a complete addict!

Later on in the morning she sent me another message in a panic because she bought all the dresses plus got me a fascinator to go with my new red gown which I forgot to buy when I bought the dress.  “Oh my now I’ll go and have a heart attack !!!! Got you the hat !  I feel so bad I’m trying to sell a lens LOL.”  Poor Kirsty, now selling a lens!  She has it bad!

Anyway, to show you how worth while these gowns and dresses are to me, here is some photographic proof below: