Teen Photography | Christchurch Photographer

A new location

Last night I had an amazing photoshoot with Lisa-Quan who is a high school student, hip-hop dancer and loves to pose for social media with her friends.  Her Mum suggested Naval Point for the photoshoot.  The light was extremely beautiful and it was a warm night for August.  It took me a wee while to get my bearings in a brand new location but I started to get the hang of the light there and made some beautiful images for Lisa-Quan and her Mum.

The importance of teen photos

I told Lisa-Quan’s Mum that when I was a teenager there was no such thing as a magazine style fashion shoot for teens. My mum took me to a studio in Christchurch in the school holidays where you didn’t need a booking.  A bit like the equivalent of a hair dresser that doesn’t require bookings and you can just walk in straight off the street.  The photographer, bless his heart, would do the same pose every year, a weird head tilt.  I would be dressed in my best, which was not particularly fashionable.  Maybe a bit for the time, but I was anything but funky.  I call them geek shots.  You look geeky – one tilted head pose and snap, got the photo.  See you later.

Beautiful Shots of teenagers

I aim to take beautiful shots of teens.  I can make even the geekiest  teen look good.  It is such a boost to your confidence to have a lovely photo of yourself. I can remove pimples in photoshop but I don’t alter the person.  We all have break outs now and then and deserve to have that spot removed.  I make the person look go through clothing, cool posing and camera angles.  I try my absolute hardest!!!

I’ve had several teen shoots now and they are the best age to work with.  I make them look like they are straight out of a magazine.  No geekiness here!

Amazing Light

The best time for an outdoor shoot is at sunset or sunrise.  There is never a better time.  I encourage people to go out with me at this time.  Forget about teatime, forget about what you usually have on and have a fun adventure with me.  Go eat late after you get back.

We had the most amazing light.  You can see the goldenness of it in the photos.  At one point the hills lit up red in the distance.  When I came through the Lyttelton Tunnel the sunset was a glowing red.  We couldn’t see it down at Naval point, but that was ok, we had the hills blocking the direct light to give a lovely light for nice skin tones.

My model

Lisa-Quan was a little embarrassed when the photoshoot started.  But that is usual when you are a young teen.  I made her feel relaxed pretty quickly.  I guided her into some poses and made her feel like she was an actual model. She was so beautiful with perfect skin and big eyes.  She made my job very easy.  I’m sure you will agree that these images are stunning.

Double exposures

I played around with some double exposures like I usually do.  It’s become a bit of an obsession.  Lisa-Quan loves the sea, so I overlaid her with the ripples on the ocean.  I really do love the effect!  I’ll definitely be back to this new location.