Beautiful Elise | Fine Art Child Photographer Christchurch

Children’s Fine Art Photoshoot | Child Photographer Christchurch The other day my friend Heather came to get some plants out of my garden. I have a very large garden and she has just moved into a new house and wanted to get some plants to make the garden better....

Best places for portrait photography in Christchurch

Photography Spots in Christchurch There are many amazing places for photography in Christchurch in the Canterbury area. Why not why not try out some of my suggestions below. The Waimakariri River There are several places along this river which are wonderful for...

Beautiful Twins | Christchurch Teen Photographer

Christchurch Fine Art Photographer Amazing twins I absolutely love taking photos of twins! So far I have had three sets of twins through my studio including three sets of non-identical twins. I have also had one set of triplets, one being non-identical to the other...

Simple Timeless Framing

Examples of framing Here is an example of some timeless framing vs some dated framing from my own house.  There are four pictures here on my hallway wall which were framed in about 1999.  That was the year when I travelled around Europe and when I came home, I had...