Corporate Photography

linkedin profile shot headshot professional  corporate christchurch New Zealand
headshots business dance professional

Do you require a headshot to create a professional image on your website or LinkedIn?  Do you require a professional business photography ?   

Belinda will come to your business and take the guesswork out of headshots.  She will ensure you get the correct message across to your customers and have a flattering headshot or LInkedin profile shot.  Or maybe you want several photos for a your business website – Belinda can chat to you about branding, colours on your website and making sure the photos are exactly what you want.

Do you need to look professional and conservative?  Or do you want to go super creative and different?  Casual or formal? Belinda will make sure your headshot and makes a great first impression to clients.

Please fill in the form below and Belinda will call you to book a time asap.

This is how it works. Find the package below that suits your needs – click the button to fill in the form or text or ring Belinda on 021 180 8928.

  1. Belinda will book a time and help guide you through clothing choices and what image you wish to portray. Full payment is required before or on the day of your shoot and you are then agreeing to the terms and conditions.
  2. At the shoot you can have different outfits and looks.  Belinda can come to your business so you can have your headshot at a time that suits you, where it suits you, or another agreed location.  You can have studio shots with a background of your choice or on location.
  3. You choose your shots on the day.  These will be edited and sent to you via dropbox or email within a few days.
  4. Relax as there is a guarantee that Belinda will re-shoot if you are not happy.
  5. EASY!!!!!!

If you require further information:  Check out our blog on what to wear to flatter skin tones and our other blog on what to wear to flatter your shape (coming soon).   Also our article on types of headshots and what image you wish to portray (coming soon).  We try to make it as easy as possible for you!

Email Belinda on or ring her on 021 180 8928 or you can go to the online booking system and choose a time slot

Packages and Pricing

professional headshots christchurch business headshots model linkedin suit job curriculum vitae
professional headshots christchurch business headshots model linkedin suit job curriculum vitae
corporate photography photographer business headshots linkedin
business headshots professional photography photos Linkedin profile shots commercial portraits portraiture
business headshot professional photo portrait portraiture corporate photography christchurch New Zealand
Business headshots christchurch New Zealand  linkedin social media christchurch
linkedin profile shot photography photograph portrait portraiture christchurch new Zealand business corporate headshot headshots professional
LInkedin headshot profile shot photo photography portrait portraiture christchurch New Zealand
Business photography christchurch New Zealand corporate  linkedin
business headshot headshots linkedin profile shot photography photograph corporate business social media
Business headshots christchurch New Zealand profile shots linkedin commercial corporate portraits portraiture photos
Corporate photography group team photographer photo portrait portraiture Christchurch New Zealand
Linkedin profile shot portrait portraiture christchurch New Zealand corporate headshot
business headshot headshots linkedin profile shot christchurch New Zealand black and white professional corporate photography photograph photo photos
Linkedin profile shot christchurch New Zealand business headshot commercial photography photo portrait portraiture
business photography website corporate photo photograph Christchurch New Zealand
Business headshots professional corporate photography photograph photo portrait portraiture magazine christchurch New Zealand  linkedin profile shot
professional headshots christchurch New Zealand corporate business linkedin
corporate photography business headshots linkedin profile shots photos christchurch New Zealand  portraits portraiture


Belinda makes it as easy as possible to get the photos you need for your business. See below for photographic examples of each corporate photography package.

These are just examples – the shoot can be designed to your exact needs. This could mean a change of clothing or background, and completely different images with different poses. Or it could be you need your whole team photographed.

Belinda can come to your board meeting or place of work, or you can visit her studio where she can work with you to achieve the business branding that suits you!

Business headshots bronze package Christchurch New Zealand corporate photography business photos portrait portraiture
business branding headshots portraits portraiture Christchurch New Zealand corporate commercial photography photos linkedin profile shot
Business headshots corporate photography photograph photo portrait portraiture christchurch New Zealand business linkedin profile shot

What Customers Say

I needed some professional photos at short notice. Belinda was incredibly responsive coming back to me almost immediately to arrange a time. It’s always hard being photographed but she made it easy and fun. I am very pleased with the end result.


I had a business headshot done by Belinda. It was quick and easy and it looks fantastic. I’d highly recommend Belinda as she is very professional to work with.  I’d definitely use her services again.



Incredibly satisfied with the shots we got. Belinda was very friendly and approachable which made the whole process a breeze, plus she is clearly a very good professional photographer who is passionate about what she does. Went above and beyond to make sure I was happy with the shots afterwards also. Would recommend to anyone looking for an expert with a laid back relaxing attitude, thanks again Belinda!!


See more of Belinda’s Work!

Corporate headshots branding photography portraits corporate business linkedin profile shots
Christchurch Canterbury New Zealand business photography corporate professional photography photographs linkedin profile shots branding business
corporate business professional headshots christchurch Canterbury New Zealand linkedin photo shoot profile shots photography photos
Branding headshots business christchurch photographer photography portrait
Corporate headshots business professional linkedin christchurch Canterbury new Zealand profile photos photoshoot



Belinda has worked with the following companies:  




Redpath Partners,




Rodgers and Co.,


Weston, Ward and Lascelles,


Grant Thornton, 


Addington Raceway,


 Hawksbury Trust

and many more . . .